Thursday, April 27, 2023

Zanzibar Negotiation By Dawit Giorgis
Abiy starts once again another peace negotiation with another rebel organization, this time in Zanzibar.

“ Ethiopia's federal government and a rebel group from the country's Oromia region opened peace talks on Tuesday in the Tanzanian island archipelago of Zanzibar, according to a spokesperson for the militants.” Africa News

Last year there was a peace negotiation between the government and the the TPLF which the government called a terrorist organization. Over 1.5 million people were killed in an eight month war, according to Obseanjo. The result was the Pretoria peace accord.

“Peace talks between the warring sides in the brutal two-year-old conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray region opened in Pretoria on Tuesday, the South African presidency announced.” AFP

This year the PM opened a negotiation with the Oromo Liberation Army ( OLA Shene) which is part and parcel of his own party OPDO, by the admission of his deputy Shimelis. Shene is responsible for the well recorded and verified genocide and atrocities of Amharas in Oromia region and elsewhere. These crimes are pending in the ICC.

This means Abiy is negotiating with himself because he created Shene and allowed it to commit crimes. The government called this organization a terrorist organization which means Abiy’s own party is a terrorist organization.

As the negotiation in Zanzibar starts, PM Abiy is poised to declare the Amhara militia and special forces “ terrorist organizations” He has declared that all armed members of such organizations should be disbanded and disarmed. To this effect, he has dispatched massive number of federal troops to the Amhara region to confront the Amhara people who he believes are his primary enemies. Abiy had used these same troops when he opened the offensive against the TPLF. Now that part of his insidious plans are over he has turned his attention to breaking the resilience and patriotism of the Amharas.

“Having fought as Allie’s during the war with Tigray , federal forces are now lading with Amhara nationalists” Africa Confidential

For those who are familiar with Ethiopia the three groups of people against whom he is waging war comprise of close to 80% of the population of the country. Who is left? Abiy is waging war against Ethiopia except his army and Republican Guards; difficult to explain but easy to understand that this is actually what is happening. A leader waging war against his own people pitching one against the other: that is the only way he can remain in power. The international community is successfully manipulated as it becomes an easy prey of a man who wants to portray himself as peace maker by creating fake negotiations to boost his image within the international community. He may have succeeded with this very crude costly charade. He is rather a war monger who needs to be stopped before the region explodes.

“Look beneath the surface; let not the several quality of a thing nor its worth escape thee.”


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