Friday, January 13, 2023

Let the African Union Resolve the GERD Dispute!
Al Mariam's Commentaries / January 9, 2023

Is the Biden administration a “friend” of Ethiopia?

Following the US-Africa Summit last month, the million dollar question is whether Ethiopia and the US have kissed and made up.

Some Ethiopians suggest bilateral relations have turned a corner with the ceasefire agreement and US-Ethiopia relations will soon be in an upswing.

Others cautiously note recent developments merely point to a thawing out of bilateral relations after two years in deep freeze over the terrorist war in Northern Ethiopia.

Some non-Ethiopian “experts” suggest the nomination of Ervin Massinga (soon to be confirmed), an African American,  as US ambassador to Ethiopia signals a reset/reboot in bilateral relations.

Many informed Ethiopians are cautions and skeptical and would rather wait and see.

They say all that glitters is not gold and the public display of cordiality and amiability between PM Abiy Ahmed and President Joe Biden during the US-Africa Summit last month should be taken with a grain of salt.

A crusty, cynical and skeptical lawyer, political scientist and professional doubting Thomas I know who slices and dices facts for a living says any change in relations between the Ethiopian Government and the Biden administration is skin-deep.

Says he, “I believe improvements in bilateral relations only when I see it, slice and dice it.”

True the Scripture verse: “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots?”

I know the Ethiopian cannot change his black skin but can the bald eagle change its white feathered head?

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is reputed to have said, “America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.”

Despite the quaint witticism attributed to Kissinger, what he actually said was, “We have permanent interests and values that we must nurture and defend.”

I should like to believe the developments during the recent US-Africa Summit provide some hopeful signs of improvements in bilateral relations between Ethiopia and the Biden administration.

But I am not convinced they will lead to real engagement.

I believe the wounds inflicted on Ethiopia by the Biden administration are too deep and harrowing to heal in a short time.

For the past two years, the Biden administration and the Ethiopian Government have been at odds, indeed at loggerheads, on the question of the terrorist TPLF war in Ethiopia’s Tigray region.

The Biden administration backed the terrorist TPLF to the hilt. That has angered and deeply disappointed, disheartened, disillusioned and dumbfounded the majority of ordinary Ethiopians.

I have been asked so many times, “Why does the US support the terrorist TPLF?”

Truth be told, over the past two years, the Biden administration has resorted to all kinds of dirty tricks — sanctions, pressuring multilateral institutions to deny or withhold loans, manipulate the United Nations to launch “human rights investigations”, appointment of special envoys, coordination of demonization propaganda with the Western press-titute media and tactical support including satellite intelligence to TPLF fighters — to bring Ethiopia down on its knees.

In my November 21, 2021 commentary, I made the “legal case against US state-sponsored terrorism in Ethiopia.”

With all of the pre-Summit recriminations about “human rights violations,” “unhindered access,” protection of civilians,” “ceasefire, “removal of Eritrean troops”, etc., I expected to see some verbal pyrotechnics from the Biden administration against Ethiopia in much the same way as occurred in the first meeting between the US and China in Alaska in March 2021.

Despite my skepticism and cynicism, I was pleasantly surprised that neither Biden nor members of his administration tried to deliver a sucker punch to PM Abiy.

Much to the astonishment of many observers, during the US-Africa Summit in mid-December 2022, PM Abiy Ahmed and President Joe Biden appeared in informal setting and exhibited sociability, good will, rapport, manifest comfort in each other’s presence and amity.

Some have humorously described photos of their informal appearances as bordering on “lovey-dovey.”

I noted the only thing missing while PM Abiy and President Biden were watching the World Cup game was the popcorn.

In my commentary on the outcome of the Summit, I concluded with one of Donald Rumsfeld’s, former US Defense Secretary, brain teasers:

As we know , there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns.

In other words, “Que sera sera! Whatever will be, will be.”

Turning to the GERD elephant in the living room

Will the Biden administration try to arm-twist Ethiopia, as did the Trump administration, into signing over its sovereign rights over the Abai (“Nile”) River to Egypt?

The looming and soon to become cantankerous issue between the Biden administration and Ethiopia is resolution of the dispute over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) with Egypt.

The Biden administration wants to dictate the terms of the GERD agreement to Ethiopia just like the Trump administration.

There are known knowns, known unknowns and the unknown unknowns in the Biden administration’s policy in Ethiopia and particularly on the GERD.

Known knowns about Biden administration’s policy in Ethiopia

That the planets revolve around the sun and the earth is not the center of the universe is a known known. Copernicus proposed the idea and Galileo proved it.

Ethiopia-US relations date back to 1903 when the two countries  concluded a treaty of commerce “to perpetuate and strengthen the friendly relations which exist between” them.

The Biden administration claims the “diplomatic relationship between the United States and Ethiopia is important, complex and focused on four broad goals.”

There are many known knowns about the Biden administration’s policy in Ethiopia over the past 2 years.

The Biden administration has

fully supported the terrorist TPLF’s efforts to overthrow the legitimately elected government of Ethiopia providing material and tactical intelligence support.

used sanctions and threatened to expand the use of sanctions over the past 2 years to bring Ethiopia to its knees.

sought to economically paralyze and thwart massive economic reforms in Ethiopia by pressuring multilateral lending institutions such as The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to deny and delay loans and debt restricting by using “the voice and vote of the United States in the respective institution to oppose any loan or extension of financial or technical assistance to the Governments of Ethiopia.”

sought to effect regime change in Ethiopia by coordinating pressure with the European Union, the United Nations and by pressuring certain Middle Eastern governments to pressure Ethiopia claiming the Ethiopian Government is “using starvation of civilians as a weapon of war is putting at risk the lives of millions.”

undertaken efforts to delegitimize and discredit democratic elections certified by the African Union as free and fair.

pressured Ethiopia to limit its relations with China and sought to eventually make Ethiopia the graveyard of China in Africa.

waged a relentless media campaign globally in cooperation with various fake news outlets including CNN, the New York Times, Reuters, etc. and so-called human rights organizations s such as Human Rights Watch and amnesty International to spoil the image of Ethiopia and demonize its leaders.

waged psyops (psychological operations) against the Ethiopian people to create alarm, fear, panic and despair.

Sought to weaponize the United Nations and its Security Council to isolate, ostracize, sanction and persecute Ethiopia.

provided “humanitarian aid” with only the Tigray region in mind although the entire Northern part of Ethiopia was affected by the terrorist TPLF war.

sought to drive a wedge between Ethiopia and Eritrea and by denying Eritrea’s sovereign right to self-defense after it was attacked repeatedly by missiles and ground incursion by TPLF forces.

demonstrated contempt and disrespect to Ethiopian leaders as the legitimate government of Ethiopia demanding to meet without regard to protocol.

sought to devise “ways to embarrass the Ethiopian government given its role in the unfolding catastrophe in the Tigray region and beyond.”

appointed special envoys who cannot tell the difference between their ***hole and a hole in the ground. One proved to be a “hitman for the TPLF” and the other a selfie-addicted gourmand who belongs in the kitchen than the diplomatic halls.

The list can go on and on.

Known knowns about Trump/Biden policy on the GERD

It is a known known that US administrations have proven beyond a shadow of doubt they will put their thumb on the scale in favor of Egypt in the GERD dispute.

In his February 29, 2020 blog, former US Ambassador to Ethiopia David Shinn expressed surprise over the so-called GERD agreement “facilitated” by former Secretary Steven Mnuchin and The World Bank’s president David Malpass:

The fact that the U.S. Treasury Department is in charge of this effort is surprising. In any other administration, the State Department, which actually has expertise on this issue, would broker the agreement. So, I wonder. What are the United States up to?

Ambassador Shinn then hit the nail on the head:

The United States seems to be putting its thumb on the scale in favor of Egypt. Perhaps it is time to make the agreement public so that everyone can see what the United States is proposing.

As I have expansively argued in “My Private Letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Talks,” the Trump administration tried to snooker Ethiopia into a “discussion” and then shove down Ethiopia’s throat an agreement Mnuchin, Malpass and Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry cooked up in the back room to the exclusion of Ethiopia.

Then Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Gedu Andargachew denounced the Treasury Department’s announcement  by declaring:

The statement issued by US Treasury on GERD is unacceptable & highly partisan, Ethiopia believes in continued engagement with Egypt & Sudan to address the outstanding issues and finalize the Guidelines and Rules on a win-win basis for all.

The Ethiopian Government issued a statement which effectively accused Secretary Mnuchin of trying to scam Ethiopia:

Ethiopia does not accept the characterization that the negotiation on the Guidelines and Rules on the First Filling and Annual Operation of the GERD (Guidelines and Rules) is completed. The “text” reportedly initialed by the Arab Republic of Egypt in Washington D.C. is not the outcome of the negotiation or the technical and legal discussion of the three countries. Ethiopia made it clear that the Guidelines and Rules must be prepared by the three countries. The Countries are yet to address outstanding issues pertaining to the finalization of the Guidelines and Rules. (Boldface added.)

Trump, for all intents and purposes, egged the Egyptians to bomb the GERD if Ethiopia refuses to sign the “agreement” cooked up by Mnuchin, Malpass and  Shoukry:

And they’ll end up blowing up the dam. And I said it — and I say it loud and clear, “They’ll blow up that dam.” And they have to do something. So whatever you can do to get them, Ethiopia, to do that, they’re going to have to. Okay? And we’ve cut off all payment and everything else to Ethiopia. (Boldface added.)

Secretary Antony Blinken appointed US Special Envoy Mike Hammer (after Jeffrey Feltman and David Satterfield crashed and burned) who has travelled to Egypt several times since his appointment on June 1, 2022.

Hammer is a poor and pathetic excuse for a diplomat.

Hammer, in his first mission, was sent to Ethiopia as a negotiator — truth be told as a hitman — for the terrorist TPLF.

Hammer’s first mission failed when the African Union took over mediation and negotiations between the Ethiopian Government and the TPLF and successfully arranged for a permanent  ceasefire and transition to civilian rule.

Hammer’s second mission is to reprise his role as a TPLF hit man for Egypt.

Hammer’s mission as special envoy is to strategize with Egyptian officials on the best way to sell Ethiopia down the Nile River.

Mike Hammer taking selfies with top terrorist TPLF leaders

During his first visit to Egypt Hammer said:

I came to Cairo on my first official trip to the region to hear from our Egyptian partners on the critical issue of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and to better understand Egypt’s water needs. We are actively engaged in supporting a diplomatic way forward under the African Union’s auspices that arrives at an agreement that provides for the long-term needs of every citizen along the Nile. (Boldface added.)

Hammer gives only lip service to a GERD “agreement under African Union’s auspices.”

Behind the scenes, Hammer is working like the devil in hell to sabotage, thwart, undermine and sideline the African Union in the GERD dispute.

Hammer fancies he will snag the Nobel Peace Prize by mediating the GERD talks to a successful completion.

What a motley fool!

The fact of the matter is that Hammer could not punch his way out of a paper bag let alone resolve the complex issues involved in the GERD.

But Hammer loves to take selfies with terrorist leaders.

On July 16, 2022, in a “Joint Statement Following Meeting Between President Biden and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi in Jeddah”, Biden said:

Regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), President Biden reiterated U.S. support for Egypt’s water security and to forging a diplomatic resolution that would achieve the interests of all parties and contribute to a more peaceful and prosperous region.  The two leaders reiterated the imperative of concluding an agreement on the filling and operation of the GERD without further delay as stipulated in the Statement of the President of the United Nations Security Council dated September 15, 2021, and in accordance with international law. (Boldface added.)

So, there is no question the Biden administration will use everything in its tool box – sanctions, demonizing propaganda, blockage of loans, pressuring Middle Eastern governments to pressure Ethiopia, etc.— to sell Ethiopia down the Nile River.

It reminds me of the lyrics in “Ol’ Man River”, a song that contrasts the struggles and hardships of African Americans with the mundane and indifferent flow of the Mississippi River (paraphrased):

There’s an old man called Uncle Sam Biden / That’s the old man I don’t like to be!What does he care if Ethiopia got troubles? / What does he care if Ethiopia ain’t free to use its GERD?

But Ethiopia keeps laughin’ / Instead of cryin’Ethiopia must keep fightin’ / Until she’s winin’

Known unknowns about Biden policy on the GERD

It is known that there are objects in the Kuiper belt that exhibit strange orbital patterns but it is unknown if the objects are planets, asteroids, comets, dwarf planets or other non-planetary objects.

Based on and consistent with known knowns about the Biden and Trump administration’s unabashed partiality towards Egypt, there are still many unknowns.

Will the Biden administration

try to resuscitate the Trump administration’s “draft agreement” (cooked up by Mnuchin, Malpass and Shoukry) and shove it down Ethiopia’s throat?

seek to force Ethiopia to sign over its sovereign rights to use the Nile consistent with international law by coordinating global sanctions through the UN Security Council, the European Union, The World Bank, etc., in disregard of any possible African Union brokered GERD agreement?

support Egyptian military action (“do something” as Trump said) against Ethiopia in principle or in action, as Trump manifestly did with his encouragement of Egypt to bomb the GERD?

pressure Sudan to oppose the GERD more vocally and vehemently and even take provocative military action against the GERD directly or by supporting terrorism in the border area between the two countries?

coordinate pressure with the European Union against the African Union and cutoff final support since the European Union provides 80 percent of the African Union’s budget!

manipulate particular African leaders to apply pressure on PM Abiy Ahmed to sign over Ethiopia’s sovereign rights over the Nile?

Unknown knowns about Biden’s policy over the GERD

There are unknown extremely dense celestial objects with such strong gravitational attraction that not even light can escape their grasp. They are believed/known to be black holes.

On August 8, 2022, Blinken his “Vital Partners, Shared Priorities: The Biden Administration’s Sub-Saharan Africa Strategy” speech in South Africa declared:

The United States will not dictate Africa’s choices. Neither should anyone else. The right to make these choices belongs to Africans, and Africans alone.

That is diplomatic pabulum in my view intended to placate African countries that have broken rank with the US on the Ukraine conflict.

US-China competition in Africa is an unknown known that could have a significant impact on Biden’s policy on the GERD.

Will Biden use the GERD to strategically weaken China’s role in Ethiopia?

The African Union has just announced the recently appointed Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang will pay an official visit to the African Union Commission on January 11, 2023 and “hold bilateral talks on various issues” and review the “Implementation Agreement on the Africa CDC HQs building project.”

One report boldly asserts:

Qin’s trip particularly to Ethiopia, among other things, indicates the significance and importance of Ethiopia in Chinese engagement in Africa. Such a visit to remind us the traditional saying that “Ethiopia is the gateway of China into Africa” is real because of its geo-political significance as the country is the seat of the AU, and other diplomatic factors. (Boldface added.)

Qin’s visit to Ethiopia, his very first as foreign minister, will likely drive the Biden administration ape****!

How will the Biden administration react to the development that the first visit of China’s new foreign minister is Africa and the African Union in Ethiopia?

I can logically conclude the Biden administration will not be a happy camper with this development as it manifestly raises China’s profile in Africa on such a critical issue as disease control for the entire continent and publicly proclaims the quintessential importance of Ethiopia to China’s policy in Africa.

There will be hell to pay!

It is an unknown known that the Biden administration will severely punish Ethiopia in one way or another for its apparent closeness to China.

That should not be surprising as I had predicted with prophetic precision that the second pillar of Biden’s policy in Ethiopia is making Ethiopia China’s graveyard.

Unknown unknowns about Biden’s policy on the GERD

It is hypothesized that there are mysterious substances in the universe that can neither be detected nor measured but, out of perplexity, are  described as “dark matter” and “dark energy.”

At the US-Africa Summit, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced:

 The U.S. will commit $55 billion to Africa over the course of the next three years, across a wide range of sectors, to tackle the core challenges of our time. These commitments build on the United States’ long-standing leadership and partnership in development, economic growth, health and security in Africa. We will shower you with details about those deliverables. We’re not putting a gun to anyone’s head. We will make the case with passion and persistence to every country in the world that they should speak out against these flagrant violations of the U.N. Charter. We’re not imposing conditionality from the point of view of this summit on decisions.


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