Monday, October 10, 2022

War Crimes of TPLF in occupied Adarkay Woreda of Amhara Region

The Aderkay (Addi Arkay) Woreda (district) is located in the North Gonder Zone of Amhara Region in northern Ethiopia. It is located in the northern Semien Mountains area, bordered by Debark to the southwest, Tegede in the north, and by Telemt in the east. Since late July 2021, most parts of Aderkay Woreda have been under the control of invading forces of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) or Tigrayan forces. The TPLF in-vaded and occupied Aderkay on July 24, 2021. They controlled the area up until tensions began to escalate around August 23, 2022. On August 24, 2022, TPLF violated the uni-lateral ceasefire declared by the Ethiopian Government. The ceasefire was a humanitarian truce that hoped to bring some relief to the countless war-ravaged civilian towns of Amhara, Afar, and Tigray Regions. TPLF forces reopened a major offensive in various parts of the Amhara and Afar Regions of Ethiopia. This included Aderkay Woreda, where the TPLF forces opened fire on nearby Ethiopian allied forces. The Tigrayan forces, however, shifted the blame to the Ethiopian allied forces from the start of the war and justified their actions as self-defense. After days of heavy fighting, on September 10, 2022, the Tigrayan forces retreated from Adarkay back to neighboring woredas.

This report is focused on human rights violations and infrastructural destruction perpe-trated by Tigrayan forces between July 24, 2021, and September 10, 2022. The TPLF mil-itary occupation of Aderkay Woreda was marked by the execution of civilians, the shelling of civilians and civilian objects, and rape. The TPLF forces also engaged in widespread looting and destruction of both public and private properties. These included specially protected sites such as religious institutions. Basic public services like banking, telecom-munication, and electricity have been unavailable in Aderkay ever since the woreda fell under the control of Tigrayan forces. In addition to communication blackouts, residents of Aderkay have not had any access to humanitarian aid. As a result, residents have been forced to flee en masse to the surrounding towns of Debark and Zarima.

At the time of writing this report, out of the twenty-two total kebeles in Aderkay, seven were under the control of the TPLF. The remaining fifteen kebeles were under the control of allied Ethiopian forces including the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), Amhara Special Forces (ASF), Amhara militia, and Amhara Fano. Presently, the Tigrayan forces are actively fighting the allied forces to control the remaining kebeles of Aderkay. The Amhara Association of America (AAA) expects the ongoing fighting in the area to increase the intensity of service blackouts, targeted killings of Amhara civilians, and the displacement toll.

Killings and Bodily Injuries

The communication blackouts and security concerns in Aderkay continue to be major hindrances to conducting thorough investigations on the atrocities committed by TPLF. Despite these challenges, AAA investigators have managed to confirm the names of dozens of civilian victims killed by TPLF. The victims included children, women, the elderly, and specially protected persons such as the deaf and blind. Sources also add the existence of grave willful bodily injury on an unspecified number of civilians by the TPLF militia. A number of civilians endured battery, biting, and derogatory insults from the TPLF soldiers. An eyewitness from Aderkay, told AAA that TPLF forces killed more than one hundred Amhara civilians through ethnically motivated killing sprees. The TPLF soldiers justified the killings of ethnic Amhara civilians by deeming Amharas guilty of a range of accu-sations. These accusations included that ethnic Amharas supported the allied forces of Ethiopia and were members of Fano or the Amhara militia. Crossfire and artillery shells also claimed the lives of many innocent civilians. “Four family members were intentionally killed in a house after being bombed by the TPLF’s mortar shells.” they told AAA. He also told the AAA that he witnessed the TPLF forces intentionally kill an 11-year-old minor in the town of Zarima. The deceased minor was also deaf.

Another source, a public prosecutor at Aderkay, told AAA, “Since the TPLF forces took control of Aderkay last July, there have been reported killings of eighty-five (85) civilians. Seven kebeles are still under the control of the TPLF forces. The present active fighting is likely to increase the death toll. It is also likely there is an underreporting of the killings as a result of the communication blackouts and security concerns..”

A list of 70 civilian victims in Aderkay Woreda (North Gonder Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia) killed by TPLF forces.

No. Name Age Sex Manners of killing Location/Kebele

1 Abebaw Alehegn 35 M Execution Aderkay 02

2 Woldie Yigzaw 60 M Shelling Aderkay 02

3 Emuhay Gelanesh 1 F Shelling Aderkay 01

4 Adane Mulualem 40 M Execution Aderkay 02

5 Ahmed Mohammed 2 M Execution Aderkay 02

6 Arega Tigabie 34 M Shelling Ber-Mariam

7 Temesgen Addisu 36 M Execution Ber-Mariam

1Died along with 6 of her family members

2Died along with 5 of his family members

8 Gashaw Endalew 24 M Shelling Chew-Ber

9 Solomon Mehabie 28 M Shelling Chew-Ber

10 Solomon Berie 26 M Shelling Aderkay 01

11 Melese Gerseie 34 M Shelling Aderkay 02

12 Solomon Aklilu 26 M Execution Aderkay 02

13 Aboy Gebrie 76 M Shelling Aderkay 02

14 Meseret Tsegaye 22 F Shelling Meki

15 Sisay Aragaw M Shelling Meki

16 Chalachew Jajew 28 M Shelling Aderkay 02

17 Yingalgn Gebre-Egziabher 34 M Execution Aderkay 02

18 Tekle Fentaye 76 M Shelling Aderkay 01

19 Teshome Nigussie M Shelling Meni

20 Adem Habib M Shelling Aderkay 02

21 Temesgen Mulat M Shelling Aderkay 01

22 Getachew Kassahun M Shelling Aderkay

23 Bazezew Jajew M Execution Aba-Mar

24 Hunachew Tafere 34 M Execution Aderkay 02

25 Birkie Aderajew F Execution Ber-Mariam

26 Endalkachew Shimeles 37 M Execution Aderkay 02

27 Zewude Tassew 43 M Execution Aderkay 02

28 Mekdes Tesfaye F Shelling Aderkay 01

29 Maru Tilahun M Execution Zarima

30 Mulat Tekle M Execution Zarima

31 Getahun Bayeh M Shelling Zarima

32 Zewdu Negash 45 M Execution Meni

33 Zenaw Assefa 24 M Execution Chew-Ber

34 Tigabie Mengistie 41 M Shelling Alli

35 Aderajew Alebel M Execution Aba-Mar

36 Tekle Fentaye M Execution Aba-Mar

37 Sisay Addissie M Shelling Aderkay

38 Endris Abdo M Execution Aderkay 02

39 Gelaye Chekole M Execution Aderkay o2

40 Belay Sharew M Execution Aderkay 02

41 Melese Mekonnen M Shelling Aderkay 02

42 Solomon Melese 43 M Execution Aderkay 02

43 Netsanet Melese 23 M Execution Aderkay 02

44 Tsehay Mekonnen F Shelling Ber-Mariam

45 Eshete Tajele M Shelling Aderkay

46 Sheikh Seman Adem 54 M Execution Hawza

47 Nigatie Melkamu M Execution Meka

48 Kasahun Ashebir M Execution Sekenil

49 Negash Eshete M Execution Meka

50 Ertibu Cherkos M Execution Chew-Ber

51 Arega Abebe M Shelling Meka

52 Habtamu Fentie M Execution Meka

53 Mulate Abate M Execution Meka

54 Jajew Birhanu M Execution Nebira

55 Melese Mekuanint 29 M Execution Aderkay 02

56 Birhane Cherinet 37 M Shelling Meka

57 Adelelew Muluken 47 M Execution Zarima

58 Solomon Gebre-Egziabher M Shelling Aderkay 02

59 Melese Gebre-Selassie M Execution Aderkay 02

60 Gashaw Mekonnen M Execution Aderkay 02

61 Wolde Tamirat M Execution Aderkay 02

62 Aba Mekuanent Demoz M Shelling Ber-Mariam

63 Kinfe Birhane M Shelling Adi-Argafi

64 Gashaw Marie M Execution Aba-Mar

65 Hayat F Shelling Zarima

66 Tigabu Birhanu 27 M Execution Adarkay

67 Nurhusen Osman 13 M Execution Adarkay

68 Shifferaw Zewale M Execution Adarkay

69 Gebre-Egziabher M Execution Adarkay

70 Eshe Besora 32 M Execution Adarkay


The AAA has received reports of widespread rape committed by Tigrayan forces across Aderkay. The victims included several girls under the age of 18 and elderly women. An administrator in the area, told AAA, “TPLF forces raped more than one hundred women and girls in Aderkay Woreda.” A local prosecutor told AAA investigators that “Seventy-five of the women that were raped by the TPLF forces reported unwanted pregnancies to the Woreda justice center.”

He went on to share the following gruesome story with AAA. “One day, during their (TPLF) control of Aderkay, members of the Tigrayan forces entered an Ethiopian Orthodox Church priest’s house in Kebele 02. They found the priest, his wife, and their 11-year-old child inside the house. Members of the Tigrayan militia demanded that the family give them food. The family provided food and water. When members of the Tigrayan militia were finished eating, they physically restrained the priest. They tied his two hands behind his back and executed him behind his house. They proceeded to gang rape the mother and her 11-year-old child. The child died immediately after the act, and the mother fell unconscious. The mother is presently receiving some medical help in Debark Hospital.”

The AAA has identified large discrepancies between reports of rape at the woreda level and zone level. The North Gonder Zone women’s affairs office has recorded that only 16 girls and women were raped by the TPLF forces. The administration is consequently only providing support for the 16 victims. However, AAA’s investigators have confirmed from multiple sources that there were well over one hundred women and girls who were raped by the Tigrayan forces. The high discrepancy indicates underreporting possibly in part due to the social stigma and shame victims of rape face. Even with third-party eyewitness testimonies, victims rarely consent to publicly come forward. This makes it particularly difficult to compile a complete list of victims. This report contains the names of only women who consented to share their names and addresses.

Partial list of women that were raped by the TPLF forces who consented to identify themselves (names anonymized for privacy).

No. Name (Initials) Age Location/Kebele

1 B. G. 34 Adarkay

2 H. A. 29 Zarima

3 T. W. 37 Adarkay

4 F. A. 31 Adarkay

Internal Displacement

The TPLF invasion of Aderkay Woreda has resulted in the displacement of tens of thousands of ethnic Amhara civilians. AAA reporters have verified that almost 80 percent of the total population of Aderkay Woreda has been displaced to neighboring Woredas in the North Gonder zone. 86,866 people have been displaced from Aderkay Woreda. This number includes people who are living in neighboring host communities through renting houses in groups, staying with families and relatives, or surviving through other options they find available. The displaced residents are living under desperate conditions in the towns of Debark and Zarima.

An IDP Coordinators in North Gonder Zone told AAA that “Debark town has currently sheltered a total of 15,636 male and 14,931 female displaced civilians. Zarima town has sheltered a total of 30,502 male and 25,797 female civilians.” Out of the total number of displaced civilians, only elderly people, women, girls, and specially protected persons are living in the (Internally Displaced People) IDP camps of Debark and Zarima. The total number of displaced people who are temporarily sheltered in IDP camps is 10,535.

Condition of People Living in IDP Sites

Displaced Aderkay residents at the Zarima and Debark IDP camp sites face continu-ously deteriorating living conditions. There is a shortage of essential medical supplies and basic medicine for chronic illnesses like diabetes, blood pressure, and mental disorders. Shortage of food, lack of water, and lack of female hygiene/sanitary kits are also common concerns at these sites. Furthermore, facilities are not safe and accessible for the elderly and persons with disabilities. An IDP at the Debark camp, told AAA “We are living des-perately here; there is a shortage of food, shortage of medical drugs, shortage of water and lack of various other essential things necessary for living.”

Destruction of Property and Looting

The Aderkay Woreda administration has assembled a special body to investigate the destruction and looting brought about by the TPLF forces. This investigation is yet to be completed. AAA investigators, however, have collected preliminary data on both private and public properties that were destroyed and looted by the TPLF forces. A total of 24 private homes have been destroyed by shell fire from the TPLF. Schools, health centers, and administrative buildings were also intentionally destroyed and looted by the TPLF. Many others were the subjects of destruction and looting.

An official at the communication affairs of Aderkay Woreda, told AAA “Almost 80 % of private and all public property in Aderkay Woreda is either looted or destroyed by the TPLF forces.” He cited Aderkay secondary and preparatory schools as an example. He told BA that “TPLF militia looted all computers, plasmas and other supplies of the school. Then they vandalized the windows and doors.”

List of schools in Aderkay looted and destroyed by the TPLF forces.

No. Name Location/Kebele

1 Buya Primary School Amba-Mariam Kebele

2 Walena Primary School Walina Kebele

3 Degaro Primary School Degaro Kebele

4 Amba-Mariam Primary School Amba-Mariam Kebele

5 Hawuza Primary School Aderkay town, 02 Kebele

6 Aderkay Primary School Aderkay town, 02 Kebele

7 Ber-Mariam Primary School Ber-Mariam Kebele

8 Chew-Ber Primary School Chew-Ber Kebele

9 Aderkay Primary and Elementary School Aderkay town, 02 Kebele

10 Aderkay Secondary and Preparatory School Aderkay town, 01 Kebele

11 Zarima Primary School Zarima town

12 Zarima Primary and Secondary School Zarima town

13 Aderkay Polytechnic College Aderkay town 02

(a)Photograph of Aderkay Polytechnic College after it was looted and shelled by the TPLF forces (External View)

(b)Photograph of Aderkay Polytechnic College after it was looted and shelled by the TPLF forces (Internal View)

Figure 1

List of health centers in Aderkay looted and destroyed by the TPLF forces.

No. Name Location/ Kebele

1 Walena Health Center Walena Kebele

2 Dagaro Health Center Degaro Kebele

3 Amba-Mariam Health Center Amba-Mariam Kebele

4 Buya Health Center Buya kebele

5 Aderkay Health Center Aderkay town

6 Zarima Health Center Zarima town

7 Aderkay Primary Hospital Aderkay town

List of Governmental Institutions in Aderkay looted and destroyed by the TPLF forces.

No. Name Location/Kebele

1 Aderkay Woreda Health Center Secretariat Office Aderkay

2 Zarima Sub-Secretariat Office for Health Centers Zarima

3 Aderkay Woreda Administration Pools Aderkay

4 Office for Agriculture in Aderkay Aderkay

5 Aderkay Woreda Water Distribution Center Aderkay

6 Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Aderkay

(a) Figure 2: Photograph of Aderkay Woreda Administration Office destroyed by the TPLF forces

Religious Institutions damaged by the TPLF forces.

No. Name Location/kebele Manner of destruction

1 The Church of Medhanialem Zarima Shelling

2 The Church of St. George Zarima Shelling List of 13 private properties looted and destroyed. An additional eleven private houses including residential houses belonging to monks of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church were also shelled and intentionally destroyed across different kebeles.

No. Name/owner (initials) Type of houses Location or Kebele

1 A. Y. Ras Dejen Hotel Aderkay

2 T. K. Residential house Aderkay

3 T. G. Residential house Aderkay

4 M. Residential house Aderkay

5 T. H. Residential house Zarima

6 W. T. Residential house Aderkay

7 A. B. Residential house Aderkay

8 Y. D. Business Aderkay

9 D. J. Business Aderkay

10 A. Y. Residential house Aderkay

11 W. M. Residential house Aderkay

12 A. G. Residential house Aderkay

13 S. K. Business Aderkay

Summary of Findings

The central focus of this investigation was identifying the humanitarian crisis and in-frastructural destruction the Tigrayan forces brought upon Aderkay Woreda between July 24, 2021, and September 10, 2022. Below is a summary of civil and human rights viola-tions our investigation identified at the time of writing this report.

•Killed at least 85 civilians in Aderkay Woreda.

•Raped at least 100 girls and women in Aderkay Woreda.

•Exposed at least 89 girls and women to unwanted pregnancies as a result of rape from the Tigrayan TPLF forces.

•Caused displacement of more than 86,866 residents of Aderkay who are living under abject conditions in the nearby towns of Debark and Zarima.

•Looted and destroyed thirteen schools, seven health centers, several residential homes, private businesses, governmental institutions, and religious institutions.

•Currently control seven kebeles of Aderkay Woreda, including the woreda capital. This indicates human suffering and infrastructural damage will continue in the area.


About Amhara Association of America (AAA)

The Amhara Association of America (AAA) is a non-profit civic organization located in Charlotte, North Carolina that investigates and documents human rights atrocities and repression against Amharas in Ethiopia. AAA seeks to inform U.S. policymakers, inter-national human rights organizations, media, and all Ethiopian stakeholders to pressure Ethiopian leaders to change laws, policies, and practices in Ethiopia so perpetrators are held accountable and victims receive justice. AAA also collaborates with Amhara organi-zations in the U.S., supports independent Amhara organizations in Ethiopia, and provides humanitarian aid for Amharas impacted due to targeted ethnic attacks. AAA’s funding comes directly from members and supporters; the organization is not affiliated with any Ethiopian or American political or governmental entities.

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