Andrew Korybko
According to the BBC, there’s apparently such a surplus of food available in the regional capital of Mekelle that residents have enough not only to stockpile for themselves, but to also to give (whether under coercion or voluntarily) to the terrorist-designated TPLF. This factual observation leads to several other “politically incorrect” ones that collectively contribute to discrediting the false allegations of a so-called “genocide” in Tigray Region even more than they’ve already been.
The joint US-Egyptian Hybrid War of Terror on Ethiopia that those two and others waging through the TPLF as punishment for this multipolar country’s principled neutrality in the New Cold War is sold to the world as an alleged response to the federal forces supposedly committing a so-called “genocide” in the Tigray Region. This was never the case since they never carried out any such “genocide”, with it actually being those two puppet masters’ own TPLF proxies that are responsible for genociding the cosmopolitan Ethiopian people, especially those in the neighboring Afar and Amhara Regions.
Up until this point, everyone who raised awareness of “politically inconvenient” facts that exposed the lies behind this “humanitarian imperialism” – which refers to exploiting humanitarian issues for political ends exactly as the US and Egypt are doing – was smeared as a so-called “genocide denier”. Their artificially manufactured information warfare narrative was just discredited, however, by none other than the BBC. In that outlet’s rush to defame the federal forces for liberating the city of Shire and two other towns, they didn’t realize that they just included a sentence that’ll prove fatal to their false claims.
According to the BBC, “Residents are glued to radio sets and discussing the information on street corners, while others are preparing food to support the Tigrayan Defence Forces and also stocking up for themselves as a precaution.” In other words, there’s apparently such a surplus of food available in the regional capital of Mekelle that residents have enough not only to stockpile for themselves, but to also to give (whether under coercion or voluntarily) to the terrorist-designated TPLF. Far from being famished, people there have plenty of food despite what the US-led West’s Golden Billion has claimed.
This factual observation leads to several other “politically incorrect” ones that collectively contribute to discrediting the false allegations of a so-called “genocide” in Tigray Region even more than they’ve already been. First, the presence of so much food in Mekelle confirms that the federal forces haven’t impeded humanitarian aid shipments like was falsely claimed by the US-led West’s Mainstream Media (MSM). They therefore aren’t “weaponizing famine” since there wouldn’t be such a surplus of food in that regional capital if this was truly the case.
Second, the TPLF is responsible for distributing all this food throughout the region that it temporarily controls. This means that the terrorist group is at fault if anyone there is starving. Put another way, it’s not the federal forces that are “weaponizing famine”, but the TPLF itself, exactly as it previously did during the civil war in order to create a humanitarian catastrophe for the purpose of putting maximum international pressure on the former Derg government. Be that as it is, the Golden Billion still supports them, so much so to the point that their MSM has lied for two years to cover up who’s really to blame.
And finally, these two observations confirm that the US, Egypt, and their allies are deliberately weaponizing famine in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region as part of their Hybrid War of Terror against that country. The federal forces have allowed so much food to flood into there that its regional capital now has such a surplus that residents can stock up both for themselves and for the terrorist group that controls this territory. Nevertheless, some people there are still starving, but this is purely the fault of the foreign-backed TPLF, which is killing the same people that it claims to “protect”.
Objectively speaking, the BBC just did an accidental act of journalistic service despite being a global disinformation leader that’s otherwise infamous for spreading fake news about the Hybrid War of Terror on Ethiopia. They just discredited two years of lies about the so-called “Tigray Genocide” in a single sentence that inadvertently revealed the dark truth that the Golden Billion has been hiding from the world. It was never the federal forces that “weaponized famine”, but the West’s TPLF terrorist proxies, with the MSM flipping the roles of villain and victim as part of their warmongering propaganda.
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