Now Abiy Ahmed has violated the agreement and reverted to his previous position of establishing a" new synod " by reappointing the same rebel archbishops and monks ! Abiy's about-turn seems to have been prompted by Shimeles's more radical stance which less ambiguously advocates a separate Oromia state and therefore a separate synod !
Abiy Ahmed's plot here seems to be to divide the Holy Synod into at least two sides, moderates, and hardliners ! In their responses to the now accustomed betrayals by Abiy ,Abuna Ermias of the Holy Synod sounded more lenient and accommodative while Abuna Abrham and Abuna Petros have stuck to the sacrosanct and non-negotiable dogmatic and canonical principles of the EOTC !
The power of the Holy Synod lies in the tidal wave of humanity it can mobilize for martyrdom in defence of the EOTC ! Hence the Holy Synod must remain firmly united around Patriarch Abuna Mathias ! Abiy's sinister strategy this time around is to split the Holy Synod and destroy it ! Abiy may go as far as trying to use blackmail to attain his overarching objective of dismembering Ethiopia by dealing a deadly body blow to the bedrock of the State of Ethiopia, the EOTC !
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