Robyn Howes' Repatriation of Eleven Ethiopian Mss from Johannesburg, South Africa to Ethiopia’s National Archives and Library Agency
Robyn Howes, Steve Delamarter, Kaleab Demeke, Yikunnoamlak Mezgebu
We are here today to witness the repatriation of a collection of eleven manuscripts to Ethiopia. They have been absent from the country for more than sixty years. Ms. Robyn Howes of Johannesburg, South Africa, has owned the collection for six years. She has brought the manuscripts back to Addis Ababa to turn them over to the National Archives and Library Agency. It is appropriate today that we should tell the stories of where these manuscripts came from, how they came into the hands of a German family in Ethiopia in the1950’s, how they were moved to South Africa, how they were eventually bought by Ms. Howes, and why she desires to give them back to Ethiopia today. Read More....Robyn Howes' Repatriation of Eleven Ethiopian Mss from Johannesburg, South Africa to Ethiopia’s National Archives and Library Agency - draft11
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