Thursday, August 11, 2022



Simegnew Bekele, project manager of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, stands in front of the construction project in Guba, Ethiopia, on November 24 , 2017. Photographer: Gioia Forster/Picture Alliance via Getty Images

Today I heard from PM Abiy of Ethiopia about the completion of the 3rd filling of the GERD with unimaginable jubilation. I am cognizant that Ethiopia is being challenged by a multitude of political ups and downs. The massacre of thousands of Amhara civilians in Tole, Wolega, the displacement of thousands of Amharas, Oromos, Sidamas, Guarges, and the Tigray war remain lingering challenges thus far.

I am saddened and fermented by the massacres and displacements of innocent civilians. Such acts of fanatical violence and extremism are egregiously out of the Ethiopian normative. Without a doubt, these political pitfalls not only challenge the Ethiopian psyche but also demoralize the spirit of Ethiopianism, something that Ethiopians cherish at heart. Coincidentally, Ethiopians remain bemused by the ill-advised foreign policy of the so-called Western superpowers, particularly the United States and Great Britain.

Nonetheless, during such an unhealthy political environment, the spirit of Ethiopians gets invigorated and lifted sky high by the successes of the Ethiopian athletes in the World Athletics Championships-Oregon22 and World Athletics U20 Championships-Cali 22, Columbia. There is nothing onerous and uplifting than seeing the Ethiopian flag hoisted above others in a highly publicized international sports venue watched by 14 billion eyes on the planet. Ethiopians shone on every television screen in the millions of homes across the five continents of the globe. A world that knew us with the infamous song “WE ARE THE WORLD” has come to know Ethiopia with "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD".

The world that once knew us as the poor of the poor has come to understand our determination and resolve to fight poverty. Today, it has been exemplified at the heart of a poor nation by the 3rd filling and the operationalization of the 2nd turbine of Africa's biggest hydro dam of Ethiopia. Egypt that frustrated Ethiopia’s ability to access international funding has forced Ethiopians to depend on ““crowdfunding” for the completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam estimated at $5 billion-plus US.

As Ethiopia is a symbol of African independence, the GERD has indeed become a symbol of African development and economic self-reliance. The GERD glorified the hopes and spirits of Ethiopians for a brighter future brightened by a light illuminated by the mighty Abbay (Nile) River. Ethiopians including the diaspora are energized by the energy generated from the 2nd turbine of the mega dam project.

As a diaspora Ethiopian, I am mesmerized by the magnanimity of the indomitable spirit of the Ethiopian people (young/ old, literate/illiterate, farmers/workers, politicians/ traders, religious/ community leaders, police & armed forces, diaspora/ migrants, children/youth, students, small vendors, friends/ foes).

I would like to take this opportunity to indiscriminately congratulate the Ethiopian people and the Government of Ethiopia for achieving an important milestone on their road to economic self-reliance. From here on Ethiopia does not need to look back because the Greeks refer to Ancient Ethiopians as 'blameless' and ' favoured people of GOD.

In conclusion, I humbly advise the Ethiopian government, politicians and people to work towards national unity by scraping ethnic politics. PM Dr. Abiy you have made history with the GERD. If you want to save Ethiopia, please make the 2nd glorious history by correcting TPLF’s ill-advised constitution. The time to do it is now, tomorrow is too late. Congratulations!



Semaneh T. Jemere

Ottawa, Canada; August 11, 2022

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